The African Union is the only Institution Mandated to Mediate between the Ethiopian Federal Government and the TPLF


  • It is to be recalled that the Government has made several attempts to resolve the conflict peacefully and has taken various confidence-building measures. It is also known that on top of these measures, the Government is endeavouring and making efforts to ensure enduring peace.
  •  The Government has expressed its readiness to engage in peace talks without precondition, at any venue and at any time under the leadership of the African Union’s peace process.

Key Updates

  • TPLF is intensifying undermining the African Union-led peace process.
  • TPLF is also calling for H.E. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, the African Union’s High Representative for the Horn of Africa, to resign from his mediation role.

Key Messages

  • The Government of Ethiopia continues to be fully committed to peacefully resolving the conflict in Tigray.
  • The international community should:
  • Reiterate the centrality of having one peace process under the undisputed leadership role of the African Union and the High Representative.
  •  Scale up its cooperation, coordination, and assistance to support the AU-led process.
  •  Recognise efforts made by the Government of Ethiopia in providing unfettered access to humanitarian assistance,
  • Pressure the TPLF to come to the negotiation table without preconditions!
  • The international community should appraise and support the confidence-building measures taken by the Government of Ethiopia. The measures include:
  • Upholding of the humanitarian truce, whose ultimate objective is to ensure the supply of humanitarian assistance to its people living in the Tigray region,
  • The Government’s call for the TPLF to conclude a ceasefire agreement as soon as possible and an expedited resumption of basic services within the enabling environment that would be created once a ceasefire is concluded.
  • The international community MUST:
  • Recognize the full-scale gravity of TPLF’s invasion of the Afar and Amhara regions and act without delay.
  • Not embolden the TPLF’s with a soft stance and with equivocal calls.
  • Recognize the Government’s commitment to peace and support its repeated calls for the TPLF to stop hostilities.


  • Killing of civilians, looting, and destruction of property by TPLF, while it is trying to play the victim.
  • TPLF’s instigation of enter-ethnic violence and massacres.
  • The forced conscription and deployment of child soldiers from the Tigray region.
  • TPLF must respect the good offices of the African Union and its High Representative for the Horn of Africa, Excellency Olusegun Obasanjo.
  • The Government of Ethiopia is committed to Peacefully Resolve the Conflict in Northern Ethiopia: Ethiopia is Equally Committed to defend its Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity
