State Minister, H.E. Ambassador Mesganu Arga Meets FAO Chief Economist
State Minister, H.E. Ambassador Mesganu Arga met and held productive talks with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)’s Chief Economist Dr. Maximo Torero today.
In the course of their discussion, Ambassador Mesganu noted Ethiopia’s green, clean and pro-poor development strategy that is centered around agricultural transformation. He said the agricultural transformation Ethiopia currently undertaking is, the basis for all other transformations that Ethiopia is aspiring to achieve in food security and self-sufficiency.
Ambassador Mesganu also thanked FAO for the encouraging Agricola award that was awarded to the Prime Minister H.E. Dr. Abiy Ahmed last January.
Mr. Torero, on his part, congratulated Ethiopia on the ongoing agricultural transformation and the macroeconomic policy reform. He said FAO is ready to help Ethiopian farmers by bringing private sector investment and expertise. The Chief Economist said FAO and Ethiopia can work together on areas like livestock, dairy, and poultry to achieve an industrial scale productivity.
He added that FAO is keen on working with the Ethiopian government on the country’s upcoming agrarian census, which is essential for planning, programming and sequencing data for agricultural transformation.
In concluding their conversation, State Minister Mesganu welcomed cooperation in bee keeping, poultry and dairy between FAO and Ethiopia and he reiterated the commitment on the government’s side for continued partnership.